Contact us
HCA Florida Lake City Hospital
340 NW Commerce Dr Lake City FL 32055
Main number: (386) 719 - 9000
Phone directory
Administration: (386) 719-9010
Billing and patient accounts:(866) 513-8171
Biomedical: (386) 719-9310
Cancer center: (386) 758-7822
Cardiovascular center: (386) 719-9016
Case management: (386) 719-9356
Central scheduling: (833) 554-2156
Communications and community engagement: (386) 719-9040
Company care and occupational health: (386) 755-9675
Dietary: (386) 719-9377
Education: (386) 719-9052
Emergency department: (386) 719-9334
Environmental services: (386) 719-9025
Human resources: (386) 719-9020
Imaging: (386) 719-9320
Imaging center: (386) 755-2020
Infection control: (386) 719-9029
Information services: (386) 719-4884
Intensive care unit: (386) 719-9353
Laboratory: (386) 719-9311
Main lobby/Information desk: (386) 719-9043
Materials management: (386) 719-9383
Medical staff services: (386) 719-9018
Nurse station: (386) 719-9045
Nursing administration (386) 719-9015
Patient account customer service:(866) 513-8171
Patient care representative: (386) 719-9062
Patient estimation assistance: (888) 334-3868
Patient registration: (386) 719-9030
Physical therapy: (386) 719-9044
Physician referral: (386) 243-6492
Plant operations: (386) 719-9300
Pre-registration: (888) 821-1636
Price estimates: (888) 334-3868
Primary care: (386) 758-6141
Same-day surgery: (386) 719-9038
If you have a question about symptoms, an illness, an injury, medication or other medical questions, please contact your physician. If you don't have a physician, you can find a physician using our online directory.
We welcome your suggestions and will answer any questions you may have about our services. Please enter your comments below, and be sure to include your telephone number and email address.