Contact us
HCA Florida Lake City Hospital
340 NW Commerce Dr Lake City FL 32055
Main number: (386) 719 - 9000
Phone directory
Administration: (386) 719-9010
Billing and patient accounts:(866) 513-8171
Biomedical: (386) 719-9310
Cancer center: (386) 758-7822
Cardiovascular center: (386) 719-9016
Case management: (386) 719-9356
Central scheduling: (833) 554-2156
Communications and community engagement: (386) 719-9040
Company care and occupational health: (386) 755-9675
Dietary: (386) 719-9377
Education: (386) 719-9052
Emergency department: (386) 719-9334
Environmental services: (386) 719-9025
Human resources: (386) 719-9020
Imaging: (386) 719-9320
Imaging center: (386) 755-2020
Infection control: (386) 719-9029
Information services: (386) 719-4884
Intensive care unit: (386) 719-9353
Laboratory: (386) 719-9311
Main lobby/Information desk: (386) 719-9043
Materials management: (386) 719-9383
Medical staff services: (386) 719-9018
Nurse station: (386) 719-9045
Nursing administration (386) 719-9015
Patient account customer service:(866) 513-8171
Patient care representative: (386) 719-9062
Patient estimation assistance: (888) 334-3868
Patient registration: (386) 719-9030
Physician referral: (386) 243-6492
Plant operations: (386) 719-9300
Pre-registration: (888) 821-1636
Price estimates: (888) 334-3868
Primary care: (386) 758-6141
Same-day surgery: (386) 719-9038
If you have a question about symptoms, an illness, an injury, medication or other medical questions, please contact your physician. If you don't have a physician, you can find a physician using our online directory.