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El premio BEE

El premio BEE (Being Exceptional Everyday) se creó para que usted pueda reconocer a los cuidadores que hacen todo lo posible para apoyar a nuestras enfermeras y pacientes. Aprenda cómo nominar a alguien en la página siguiente.

What is the BEE Award

The BEE Award is a recognition program that honors and celebrates the compassionate care caregivers provide every day. Our BEE Award honorees demonstrate the PETALS principles – Passion & compassion in the care they provide every day, Establishes a special connection through use of kindness and sincerity, Teamwork, Always creates the best experience for their patients, Love for their job, and Shows respect.

How to nominate an extraordinary caregiver

Patients, visitors, and caregivers may nominate a deserving caregiver by submitting a nomination form.